Happy New Year! We're delighted to welcome 2022, our first official year of offering flowers!

First flower of the season
Officially this could be classed as a bit of a cheat. I cut it as an unopened bud to save it from a forecast frost. I didn't expect it to open but after 24 hours in my warm house it did.
In case you're wondering, it's an Iceland Poppy. We sow mixed packs of seed so you never know what colour each plant is going to be. They come in variations of red, orange, yellow and white. This one is definitely on the bright side!
Frost at last
In last month's blog I was wishing for frosty weather to slow down the plants in the greenhouse, and it finally arrived!
Frost does an important job of cleansing the soil of some pests and diseases. We don't get many hard frosts at our city plot so we're happy when it does happen. It's also done the plants a world of good to have cold but bright, clear days. We're had the greenhouse and fleece tunnels open during the middle of the day to give everything a bit of fresh air and all the plants seem healthier for it.
Next months we'll start to really ramp up preparations for the new season, getting some plants out of the greenhouse to make way for new seeds to be sown. We should also start to see the first signs of anemone flowers if the weather stays bright!
Sign up to our newsletter to be the first to know when next season's flowers are available to buy via the website. We'll be offering mixed bouquets for delivery across Bristol as well as single variety bouquets of some favourites.